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<!--Z dniem 31 grudnia 2022 działalność Sądu Arbitrażowego została zawieszona do odwołania.-->
<!--Z dniem 31 grudnia 2022 działalność Sądu Arbitrażowego została zawieszona do odwołania.-->
Arbitraż – metoda rozwiązywania sporów prawnych bez udziału sądu powszechnego (chociaż instytucja skargi), w której kompetencje takiego sądu powierza się bezstronnemu specjaliście (arbitrowi).
Arbitraż – metoda rozwiązywania sporów prawnych bez udziału sądu powszechnego (chociaż instytucja skargi), w której kompetencje takiego sądu powierza się bezstronnemu specjaliście (arbitrowi).
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Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) is a process that leverages digital technology to help parties resolve disputes through online platforms and tools. It's an alternative to traditional methods of dispute resolution such as litigation or arbitration, and it's particularly useful for resolving disputes that arise in e-commerce, online transactions, and other digital contexts. Here are some key points about ODR:
Accessibility and Convenience: ODR platforms allow parties to engage in dispute resolution without the need to be physically present in a specific location. This accessibility and convenience are especially important for parties who are geographically distant from each other.
Efficiency: ODR can often lead to quicker resolution of disputes compared to traditional methods, as the process can be streamlined and automated.
Cost-Effective: ODR can be more cost-effective than traditional dispute resolution methods, as it may reduce the need for travel, physical hearings, and other associated expenses.
Variety of Disputes: ODR can be applied to a wide range of disputes, from consumer disputes in e-commerce to more complex commercial disputes.
Various Communication Tools: ODR platforms typically offer various communication tools such as email, instant messaging, video conferencing, and secure online document sharing, enabling parties to communicate and exchange information effectively.
Expert Panels: Some ODR platforms incorporate expert panels or neutral third parties who can help mediate or adjudicate disputes.
Documentation: ODR platforms often provide a secure and organized way to store and share relevant documents, evidence, and communications related to the dispute.
Privacy and Security: ODR platforms take privacy and security seriously, ensuring that sensitive information is protected.
Global Reach: ODR transcends geographical boundaries, making it suitable for cross-border disputes that involve parties from different jurisdictions.
Compliance and Regulations: ODR platforms may need to adhere to certain legal and regulatory standards depending on the jurisdiction in which they operate.

Revision as of 05:18, 15 August 2023

Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) is a process that leverages digital technology to help parties resolve disputes through online platforms and tools. It's an alternative to traditional methods of dispute resolution such as litigation or arbitration, and it's particularly useful for resolving disputes that arise in e-commerce, online transactions, and other digital contexts. Here are some key points about ODR:

Accessibility and Convenience: ODR platforms allow parties to engage in dispute resolution without the need to be physically present in a specific location. This accessibility and convenience are especially important for parties who are geographically distant from each other.

Efficiency: ODR can often lead to quicker resolution of disputes compared to traditional methods, as the process can be streamlined and automated.

Cost-Effective: ODR can be more cost-effective than traditional dispute resolution methods, as it may reduce the need for travel, physical hearings, and other associated expenses.

Variety of Disputes: ODR can be applied to a wide range of disputes, from consumer disputes in e-commerce to more complex commercial disputes.

Various Communication Tools: ODR platforms typically offer various communication tools such as email, instant messaging, video conferencing, and secure online document sharing, enabling parties to communicate and exchange information effectively.

Expert Panels: Some ODR platforms incorporate expert panels or neutral third parties who can help mediate or adjudicate disputes.

Documentation: ODR platforms often provide a secure and organized way to store and share relevant documents, evidence, and communications related to the dispute.

Privacy and Security: ODR platforms take privacy and security seriously, ensuring that sensitive information is protected.

Global Reach: ODR transcends geographical boundaries, making it suitable for cross-border disputes that involve parties from different jurisdictions.

Compliance and Regulations: ODR platforms may need to adhere to certain legal and regulatory standards depending on the jurisdiction in which they operate.